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Breast Augmentation in America - The cost, the process, the results

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation, or mammoplasty, is a common surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of the breast of a woman. This procedure is usually done to enhance the contour of the breast of women who are not contented with how their breasts look for personal reasons, such as if their breasts do not live up to their desired size, shape and symmetry. This procedure is also done for reducing the size or volume of the breasts after pregnancy. Breast augmentation is also used to balance the shape of the breasts. 

Breast implant or breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries in America. There are over 100,000 breast surgeries per year performed in America alone. Over the past 35 years, there have been approximately three million women who have undergone breast augmentation.

The cost of breast augmentation in America

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, known as ASPS, says that the average fee of a surgeon was around $3,406 back in year 2005. While ASAPS (or American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) lists the average fee of a surgeon is $3,583 for saline implants and an average of $4,005 for silicone – this was in 2005. But these figures do not accurately represent the actual price of breast augmentation. It may vary from different region and it may not include some various associated expenses.

Associated expenses includes anesthesia, medical facility fees, prescriptions, surgical garments, medical testing or any other charges related. This may vary from region to region and practice to practice.

If you are planning to undergo this procedure, make an effort to know more and ask your surgeon what fees will be charged and what fees are covered. Even if the cost of the procedure is not a factor in choosing your surgeon, you must still be well informed about the overall cost before beginning the process to be able to avoid any unexpected and unpleasant surprises.

Breast augmentation procedure

This is done by simply inserting or placing an implant directly behind or under the breast tissue, or beneath the chest wall muscle in each breast. These implants are usually filled with saline (or salt water), gel, or silicone. This is done to increase the bust line by another cup in bra size.

The surgeon will make a small incision where the implant will be inserted. These incisions are made in the crease either under the breast itself or under the nipple. The implant will then be filled with the desired shape and size of the breast. The breast augmentation procedure is usually done in approximately 2 to 3 hours and may either be performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia or, ambulatory with local anesthesia.

Mostly, a patient can resume with their daily normal activities within a week or around five to six days after surgery. After seven to ten days, the sutures may be removed and the surgeon might recommend or require the use of a surgical support bra. Strenuous activities such as exercising may be prohibited, to be resumed after about a month after the surgery.

 Breast augmentation results

No one knows yet how long breast implants can last. The wall of the implant may weaken and become disrupted inside the body. This happens when an injury or sudden pressure is exerted on the implant. The quality of the implant depends upon the manufacturing process. It may or may not last a lifetime.

Most patients are extremely happy after the breast augmentation procedure. Most of them find their self confidence and self esteem increasing, The procedure seems to fulfill their expectations before undergoing the procedure.

Since breast augmentation is a very personal matter to most breast augmentation patients, their satisfaction should be a paramount concern.